Thursday 28 February 2013

I Think

I think therefore I am,
but some times I don't think,
that I think that I don't think,
what do you think ,
about that,
Is it good,
or may be bad,
I think that I don't think,
let's think about,
do you have some Doubt?
I am not ..what I use to be,
Oh these crazy thoughts,
set me free,
to think that who I am,
I think therefore I am,
But who?
hey you!
but who am I?  Reply
See you,

Quote about Death

Almost everything--all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure--these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.

Steve Jobs 

Wednesday 27 February 2013

Steve Jobs

So let's not use a stylus. We're going to use the best pointing device in the world. We're going to use a pointing device that we're all born with - born with ten of them. We're going to use our fingers. We're going to touch this with our fingers. And we have invented a new technology called multi-touch, which is phenomenal. It works like magic.

Steve Jobs

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Quote of the Day

“When you learn through coding, [you're] coding to learn. You’re learning it in a meaningful context, and that’s the best way of learning things.” — Mitch Resnick

Monday 25 February 2013

What Now?

What Now?

When I was able to buy a cell phone, I start planning to buy which one. Some cell phones have a good Video result but less battery timing. Some have clear voice but no camera, some have internet facility but with not a good design.  Then I heard a company is going to launch a new model. This would have better facilities then the previous ones. And I decided to buy that one. But then another company launches a much better model. And then another one, and then another. And the process is continuous till now.

Every day we saw new technology available in the market, probably better than the previous one. But I think that everything have a limit. And I am sure that technologies have also a limit. We have cell phone, cameras, and computers at their best. But can someone say this is the finest shape. Or still it needs up gradation. But the thing to think about it is that what if technology reaches at its best, at its top level. What would we expect then? 

When we reach at that height what we do, we never are there forever. Sooner or later, we have to come down. So will technology start decline. Still people are fed up of new inventions and new technologies. 

I hope, everyone will wish a simple life without technology. Because things will be difficult to remember, time will be short. And one has to use his brain very fast and he will be tired soon, become sick quickly, will not be able to enjoy too much. So will that technology be good or bad. Will one start thinking to go back? 

Think about it and wait for it.

Thursday 21 February 2013

Life without Cell Phone

Life without Cell Phone

Adrien Brody says “You’d be surprised how difficult it is relinquish a cell phone”. If you browse the internet you will find large number of advantages and disadvantages of cell phone. Some people think their life is impossible with a cell phone, while other argue that cell phone has disturbed their life. Text messages, emails, and phone calls are probably the most important forms of communication that we have at our disposal these days. In the other words our communication needs these things otherwise it will take lot of time and effort and even more money. 

A person living without cell phone will have some positive points also, for example he will enjoy a freedom of running out of battery, just missed a call or he is not responding etc. And friendly say he must have a cancer free skull. He will be punctual because if he fixes a time to meet his friend, he will reach there on time because he has no cell phone to call him that I am late. 

On the other hand a person having a cell phone will also have some advantages. His communication will be much faster and easier, he can use his cell phone as an entertainment object as well as an office accessory. He will have chance of being connected with the social media 24 hour a day etc. 

If we analyze the advantages and disadvantages of a cell phone we will come to know that a cell phone itself is a creation which has modified human lives in many ways. The disadvantages depend on its use. A cell phone can be use in positive way and it can be a helpful device and the same cell phone can be an instrument of destruction.   

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Tuesday 19 February 2013

HIV is Not a Recent Disease

HIV is Not a Recent Disease

Recent research has proved that the virus of HIV/AIDS can be rooted million years ago and even before human beings it was present in monkeys during ancient time. The HIV virus which cause AIDS starts spreading in humans in the 20th century. A genetic research found that the HIV virus was there in monkey 5 to 13 million years ago. From the research we hope that soon we will be able to found about starting point of HIV. 

Approximately 34 millions peoples around the world is affected from HIV. The problem of HIV starts when this virus transmitted to human from monkeys in the 20th century. Scientists believe that a virus called Linty Viruses was present in the monkeys a long time ago. 

The problem is not either HIV is a recent virus or not, the main issue is the speed with which it is spreading around the world. Peoples have less information about HIV and because of it thousand of peoples are affecting from HIV daily.

HIV is Not a Recent Disease

HIV is Not a Recent Disease

Recent research has proved that the virus of HIV/AIDS can be rooted million years ago and even before human beings it was present in monkeys during ancient time. The HIV virus which cause AIDS starts spreading in humans in the 20th century. A genetic research found that the HIV virus was there in monkey 5 to 13 million years ago. From the research we hope that soon we will be able to found about starting point of HIV. 

Approximately 34 millions peoples around the world is affected from HIV. The problem of HIV starts when this virus transmitted to human from monkeys in the 20th century. Scientists believe that a virus called Linty Viruses was present in the monkeys a long time ago. 

The problem is not either HIV is a recent virus or not, the main issue is the speed with which it is spreading around the world. Peoples have less information about HIV and because of it thousand of peoples are affecting from HIV daily.

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Electronic Cigarette

Electronic Cigarette

(E-Cigarette or PV)

Electronic Cigarette also called e-cigarette or personal vaporizer. An Electronic Cigarette is basically an electronic inhaler that liquid solution into an aerosol mist, it actually stimulate the act of tobacco smoking. Some people thought electronic cigarette to be a replacement of cigarette and they start using electronic cigarette just to get rid of their smoking habit. It may be a replacement of normal cigarettes because the amount of nicotine is very low in e-cigarette and in some cases it is fixed according to user requirement. Even some people choice “no nicotine”. 

As e-cigarette is a recent invention and limited research has been done on it. Therefore, we have less data to understand either it has benefits or it is risky for human health. The primitive concept of an electronic cigarette can be traced to an idea by Herbert A. Gilbert who in 1963 patented a device described as "a smokeless non-tobacco cigarette" that involved "replacing burning tobacco and paper with heated, moist, flavored air." This device heated the nicotine solution and produced steam (source Wikipedia). The second generation electronic cigarette, or modern electronic cigarette, was invented and introduced to market in 2008 by Dr. Yunqiang Xiu before receiving its international patents in 2009 & UK patent in 2011

The World Health Organization stated in September 2008 that no rigorous, peer-reviewed studies have been conducted showing that the electronic cigarette is a safe and effective nicotine replacement therapy. WHO does not discount the possibility that the electronic cigarette could be useful as a smoking cessation aid, but insisted that claims that electronic cigarettes can help smokers quit need to be backed up by clinical studies and toxicity analyses and operate within the proper regulatory framework (source: Wikipedia).

An electronic cigarette contains 1. LED light cover, 2. Battery, 3: Atomizer (heating element) 4: Cartridge (mouth piece), 5: Magnet adaptor, 6: Liquid (for producing vapors). To see either electronic cigarette can be a replacement of normal cigarette in terms of that it will help people quit cigarette or not. And either is not risky for human health we have to wait for the researchers to find out can we get rid of smoking by using E-cigarette.