Thursday 21 February 2013

Life without Cell Phone

Life without Cell Phone

Adrien Brody says “You’d be surprised how difficult it is relinquish a cell phone”. If you browse the internet you will find large number of advantages and disadvantages of cell phone. Some people think their life is impossible with a cell phone, while other argue that cell phone has disturbed their life. Text messages, emails, and phone calls are probably the most important forms of communication that we have at our disposal these days. In the other words our communication needs these things otherwise it will take lot of time and effort and even more money. 

A person living without cell phone will have some positive points also, for example he will enjoy a freedom of running out of battery, just missed a call or he is not responding etc. And friendly say he must have a cancer free skull. He will be punctual because if he fixes a time to meet his friend, he will reach there on time because he has no cell phone to call him that I am late. 

On the other hand a person having a cell phone will also have some advantages. His communication will be much faster and easier, he can use his cell phone as an entertainment object as well as an office accessory. He will have chance of being connected with the social media 24 hour a day etc. 

If we analyze the advantages and disadvantages of a cell phone we will come to know that a cell phone itself is a creation which has modified human lives in many ways. The disadvantages depend on its use. A cell phone can be use in positive way and it can be a helpful device and the same cell phone can be an instrument of destruction.   

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