Monday 25 February 2013

What Now?

What Now?

When I was able to buy a cell phone, I start planning to buy which one. Some cell phones have a good Video result but less battery timing. Some have clear voice but no camera, some have internet facility but with not a good design.  Then I heard a company is going to launch a new model. This would have better facilities then the previous ones. And I decided to buy that one. But then another company launches a much better model. And then another one, and then another. And the process is continuous till now.

Every day we saw new technology available in the market, probably better than the previous one. But I think that everything have a limit. And I am sure that technologies have also a limit. We have cell phone, cameras, and computers at their best. But can someone say this is the finest shape. Or still it needs up gradation. But the thing to think about it is that what if technology reaches at its best, at its top level. What would we expect then? 

When we reach at that height what we do, we never are there forever. Sooner or later, we have to come down. So will technology start decline. Still people are fed up of new inventions and new technologies. 

I hope, everyone will wish a simple life without technology. Because things will be difficult to remember, time will be short. And one has to use his brain very fast and he will be tired soon, become sick quickly, will not be able to enjoy too much. So will that technology be good or bad. Will one start thinking to go back? 

Think about it and wait for it.